Take partially defrosted meat and using a sharp knife cut from it 1 inch squares, 1/8 inch thick. Marinade for 30 minutes in teriyaki sauce. Add the bamboo shoots to the marinade. Defrost some shelled edamame. Cook and drain the ramen.
Place the wok on medium to high heat. Add the beef without the sauce and stir-fry for 2 minutes making sure that both sides are cooked. Add bamboo shoots and edamame beans and stir-fry for a minute or 2. Lower the flame a little and add the ramen and teriaki sauce. Stir-fry for 2 more minutes, making sure that the ramen doesn't burn. Enjoy.
shelled edamame, ramen?
ReplyDeletei don't even know what type of store to go to for this stuff
Edamame seems to be the new Jewish fad. It's made by at least Dr Preagers and Seapoint Farms and sold in Glatt Mart and Pic n Pay, no I don't buy meat in Pic n Pay.
ReplyDeleteCooking ramen recently appeared in Paperific. Tradition ramen has been around forever in most stores, you probably just didn't notice. It's in the back of Glatt Mart next to the meat and Osem soups.
Edamame appeared in stores about 2 months ago.
ReplyDeleteEdamame can be found in the frozen sections of most grocery stores, judging by what I've seen. There seems to be a slight resemblance to lima beans, but edamame tastes so much better!!
ReplyDeleteMoshe- two months ago?! For the "center of the world", Brooklyn sure is slow to pick up on trends :-P
I'm pretty sure it wasn't there before Pesach.