Monday, August 10, 2009

Farmville FAQ/walkthrough

updated: 2/8/2010
updated animals, news link

Profit analysis:

Sortable version of above

  1. Take pictures of all of your friends' farms even if they're not your neighbors yet.
  2. Leave one type of each gift your receive in the giftbox, this includes gifts received for earning ribbons. To get a gifted blue ribbon, you need 21 unique gifts so make this a priority before going for any other ribbons.
  3. Do not buy trees or animals, ask your friends to send them to you.
  4. Plant unprofitable seeds only once.
  5. Keep an eye on your friends achievements, filter news by farmville, and get bonuses from their achievements.
  6. Trade off for high profit margin of raspberries is no experience while planting. However, when you figure in 1xp for plowing, rapberries are the best crop until at least level 12.
  7. If you find it annoying to have your avatar running around the whole farm when you're harvesting/plowing/planting, trap him inside 4 hay bales.
  8. You can buy xp by buying buildings and decorations. While the exchange rate on most items is 100:1, plus sell back value, the exchange rate for yellow Hay Bales is 20:1, plus 5 for sell back, making it 19:1. Not counting opening menu and selecting Hay Bales, this way you get 2.5xp per click
  9. Buying xp option 2. This would require more space and spare gas tanks but will cost 10 coins per xp. Use tractor to plow 4 fields, use seeder to seed the 4 fields with Soybeans, delete the fields. Not counting opening menu and selecting Soybenas, you get 2xp per click.
  10. Be helpful. Helping your neighbors earns you 5xp and 20 coins. Click on your neighbors on the bottom menu and select "Visit/Help". After you help a certain number of people, you will only earn 1xp and 5 coins. If you have less neighbors than the limit, click on My Neighbors tab and from there, instead of clicking on the go to neighbor's farm link at the top, scroll down to Pending Request neighbors and do them top to bottom on one day and bottom to top next day. If you have enough confirmed neighbors, start from one end on one day and from the other end next day.
  11. You can now fertilize your neighbors' crops when you visit them. This works only for those farms where there is something in the process of growing. If nothing is planted or the farm is dead, there's nothing to fertilize. Fertilizing increases possible experience earned from visiting neighbors from 0 to 5 to 0 to 10. Now, even if you've reached your quota for helping, you can still earn an additional 5xp for fertilizing. There doesn't seem to be a quota for fertilizing.
  12. Bird Baths and Hay Rolls sell for 100 coins, Horses, for 105. After collecting one of each animal and tree, request from your neighbors Olive trees and those three. Do same yourself too. Personally, I sell everything except for Olive, Date and Pomegranate trees and a few of each seasonal items. I'm also keeping Cherries and Maples, but that's only until I get a blue ribbon.
  1. Knock on Wood - Use Cherries and Maples.
  2. Zoologist - One Chicken Coup and several Dairy farms. Remember, Brown Cows and Pink Cows bring a lot more money.
  3. Architect - This can be completed easily using Rest Tents when you have enough money. In the beginning, do not buy these as you will receive several building for free when you earn other ribbons.
  4. Pack Rat - Don't buy mailboxes, you'll get them free. Easiest way to get this ribbon, fence in your farm.
  5. Animal Shelter - Ask those of your neighbors that you know personally to message or I/M you when they find an animal.
  6. Tree Hugger - Do not buy trees, with the exception of seasonal ones. Ask your neighbors to gift them to you.
  7. Noah's Ark - Do not buy animals either. Again, with the exception of seasonal ones. Adopt and ask your neighbors.
  8. Not Spoiled, Gifted! - Leave one of each gift in the gift box until you get a blue ribbon. This shouldn't take too long. Besides receiving gifts from neighbors, you'll also get gifts from ribbons.
  9. Flower Power and Pretty Garden - Grow flowers around the middle of your farm where your avatar appears. This will insure your visitors will fertilize the flowers first. You can use the flowers in the Garden Shed to earn at least one ribbon, which will also give you another bouquet.
  1. White Eggs - White Chickens, Brown Chickens, Pink Flamingoes, Garden Gnomes
  2. Brown Eggs - Brown Chickens, Black Chickens, Zen Garden, 1 Fuel Refill
  3. Black Eggs - Black Chickens, Golden Chickens, Fire Pit, 15 Fuel Refills
  4. Golden Eggs - Golden Chickens, Donkey, Animal Float, Carousel, 30 Fuel Refills
Coins that appear during plowing are worth 50 coins each.

FarmVille News feed filter.


  1. that's so cool that you were able to embed an excel sheet, I haven't thought of using Google docs. I remember wanting to embed an excel sheet, I forgot for what. O, right now I remember, for a different blog, I wanted to make an excel sheet of which college books I have so that people can borrow them, and then I would keep track of who has which. So now I know I can use Google docs, so thanks.

    Now about farmville your so funny!

    Why would you take pictures of your friends farms?
    Why would you leave one type of each gift in the gift box?
    How do you get bonuses from others achievements?
    Seemed like you learned a lot more stuff than me by playing this game.

  2. Dude! Did you look at requirements for ribbons?
    One is to take pictures of unique farms. Another is number of unique gifts in gift box.

  3. lol, o, I didn't look at that!
    Ok, cool, thanks for the tips then!

  4. I just looked at the google docs vid, very convenient

  5. Lvnsm: you should create a farm too! Then we can be neighbors! and I can give you gifts.

  6. Yeah, just click publish and then select HTML to get embed code. You can also embed it as a spreadsheet if you change url to the default one, though then it looks kinda weird because of all the additional menus.

  7. hey does anyone know how many neighbours you need or what level it is before you can get bigger farms???

  8. By reading. Requirement are next to each item, so RTFM!

  9. You need a certain amount of coins. 10,000 coins for 14x14 and 25,000 coins for 16x16

  10. Hey again, Thanks for the replies.
    Nothings written next to them as requirements other then "Available soon". They do become available before the affordable amount in $ is reached.
    I currently have the 16x16 farm but was wondering if anyone knew when the next lot of them all become available... anyone?

    Thanks guys,


  11. They'll show up on your friends' main news feed with a "get a bonus from..." link. When your friends will find stray animals, it'll also show up on the news feed with an adopt link.

  12. Can I adopt a stray animal if it shows up on my farm? I've tried to adopt, but it won't let me

  13. Heh, I wish. Wouldn't let me adopt mine either. That would be too easy. You can only adopt your neighbors' strays and gotta be fast enough to do it before another neighbor does it.

  14. i planted a lot of strawberries and now i can plant super berries. They cpst 10, grow for 2 hours, and sell for 100. They dont give you exp. So they're like raspberries but sell for double the price

  15. super berries actually do give you 1 exp when u plant them. They must be by far the best crop

  16. If you plant alot of raspberries do you get super raspberries?

  17. Just added superberries to the spreadsheet, they're awesome! Unfortunately, if you look on FarmVille's developer page, they'll only be there during the weekend and will be removed after.

  18. Pomegranate Tree?

  19. Will add as soon as someone sends me one.

  20. anyone know anything about getting FV dollars? I believe we started at 5 but now i'm level 8 and I have 8 FV dollars now.

  21. Yeah, noticed it too. Probably you now get $1/level.

  22. Everyone's starting out with $5 and now looks like you get another $1/level.

  23. My question is how exactly do you get the "profit" value?

  24. Profit is sell value minus buy value, minus plow cost.

  25. if raspberries are the best crop til level 12, what is the best after that?

  26. I just hit 23 and still using blueberries. Tomatoes overnight. Before used to plant pumpkins overnight.

  27. Is there a benefit to petting your animals? Why can't you pet a rabbit?

  28. As far as I can see, only thing it does is make them talk and the reason you can't pet a rabbit is because they don't have a sound associated with it.

  29. I'm pretty sure farmville gives you +1 farmcash only when you level up. I don't think those coins mean anything.

  30. I like sunflowers for planting overnight :)

  31. I noticed that when 1 of those coins pop when plowing, you recieve 100 coins. Not 100% sure tho

  32. I took off the note about coins since FV does only seem to go up when you level.

    Gonna try to verify effect of coins by writing down coins and xp before plowing and coins and xp after and see if the numbers add up. Plowing costs 15 coins and earns 1 xp.

  33. I have 20 unique items in my giftbox, but achievements shows only 18. what is the problem here?

  34. Verified, coins that appear during plowing are worth 50 coins.

    Gifts earned while playing don't seem to register towards the Gifted achievement until you re-enter the game.

  35. the one thing missing is the Space to Value of income. You say not to buy any trees or animals but I squeeze 16 Cherry trees into the same plot as 1 Raspberry bush.

    I can Harvest those trees for a daily value of 9 according to your chart, but it's 9 x 16 trees for a daily value of 144 compared to planting and plowing the same sized square. plus you never have to plow again, so after you recover your initial investment it all becomes profit... do trees give you experience???

  36. Yep, no experience. Animals also don't give experience. You could still exchange coins for experience by buying and selling back buildings. You'll be earning very little xp this way though.

  37. You need to divide your whole chart by the size of land it occupies, plowed plots by 16, trees and pigs and small animals by 1, cows and horses (large animals) by 4, etc...

    The size of land it takes up is a huge factor you completely leave out.

    Thanks for the info you have already, you answered a bunch of questions...

  38. Most people like to have their farm looking nice. Not to mention it's very hard to see when some trees, for example dates, are ready for harvest.
    This is why they're all in separate columns.

    Also, tractors make the whole plowing/planting/harvesting business a lot easier.

    Also, the whole size business becomes pointless as you expand. I've expanded to the largest currently available size and am not even using half of it, mostly making my farm look nice. My current income is around 16.5K/day.

  39. So in other words, don't worry about $$$ because in just a little while my level 8 character won't need it? Yes, I can see how Exp points matter more then money... Thanks again for the help.

    Another thing that would be nice on your chart would be how long plants go before they wilt.

  40. At your level, if you only have enough money to plant or to buy something to get a ribbon, go for the ribbon because the xp will probably push you to the next level and you'll get some coins too.

    I've been thinking about that but it would be really annoying. Off the top of my head, berries probably wilt quickly. I'm guessing it's also a factor of the growth time. I know I've had sunflowers survive for 2, if not 3 hours.

    If you want to expand quickly, start playing Mafia Wars, close to half the people I friended on Mafia Wars groups are also playing Farmville. Even if they don't accept your neighbor request, you can still take a picture of their farm for the Shutterbug ribbon.

    btw, if anyone needs neighbors, friend me.

  41. found the wilting times here:
    that site is crazy informative but I like your layout better. (plus you're the #1 result for farmville walkthrough - you could own this if you wanted to... :)

    thanks again...

  42. A big part of what I plant is how often I make it back to facebook. So I might plant Raspberries 3 times one day and then Squash the next if I know I'm not going to check it every day. I wilted Strawberries like three times before I realized I couldn't rely on myself to get back soon enough. Wilting times are super beneficial to people like me who are causal players.

  43. sent you a facebook request,

    and btw, wilting times are the time it takes to harvest x 2... super easy.

  44. Thanks for the link. 23 hour days? I'd have to update my formulas in that case. Though not before verifying it myself. Makes no sense for growth times to be 4, 8, 12, 16 and then suddenly 23, 46, 69, 92. Also, the daily lottery is always at 12am and not an hour earlier each time.

    Took a look at your farm. You know, for someone claiming to be able to fit 9 trees in a square, yours are in a nice line. :-P
    Problem with trees, and to some extent animals, they were never meant to be placed that close and you'll have no idea which are ripe for harvest and gonna have a hard time click on them too.

    As far as google placement, SEO skillz baby. My traffic went from 30, this was mostly from my SQL and ColdFusion posts which are also btw in top 5, to a 180 average with a peak of 280!

  45. I've verified that 1 farmville day is 23 hours and not 24 as I previously assumed. Formulas for all 3 columns have been updated to reflect that.
    The result is a very slight increase in xp earned and a small to moderate increase in daily profit.

    Thanks to Jordan Wright and Maria Filippelli for pointing this out to me.

  46. FAQ has been updated.
    After my exchange with Jordan Wright and Maria Filippelli, I've started thinking of the idea of buying xp. Turns out you can buy 1 xp for as low as 19 coins!

  47. 1xp for 19 coins? :O why not 15? if you plow n dlt

  48. Because plowing only gives you 1xp per click and takes up a lot of space, while buying hay bales gives 5xp and takes up minimum space.

  49. 3xp for 30g (plowing, then planting soybeans), then deleting is technically the 'cheapest' way to buy xp. Of course depends on how highly you value time. Also how come olive trees aren't on the spread sheet?

  50. Yep, it's all about time and also space. Though if you have a lot of space and a couple spare gas tanks, that would be a good idea since only deletion would have to be done one by one.

    Not buying and don't have any neighbors who could gift it to me. No idea what level that would even be. I just hit 30 today and still can't gift it.

  51. Updated FAQ with Anonymous' idea of planting soybeans and the xp/click cost of each.

  52. What about the other things? like peas and yellow melons

  53. I'm level 31 right now so adding info as I move up.

  54. Nice guide!
    I have followed most of your tips and I am currently 200ex from level 19, this in 5 days.

    I started taking photos of farms while I was at the first levels and was about to tilt when I noticed after taking pictures of 50 farms, that only a much smaller number had gotten registered, even after restarting FV. And offcourse I couldnt know wich of the 50 farmpics were registered. So I took additional 2 pics of each of the 50 farms and then it worked. You should seriously note taking 2 or 3 pics of each of the farm. I dont know if this was a bug or if you are supposed to take 3 though, it was anyhow really ennoying using 30mins for no point the first time.

    While I was at ca 8-9 level I had saved up enough coins to buy 250 heybales to get the highest decoration-ribbon + recieving 1250more experience points. Maybe you could put that in your tips also?

    plus, quoting from Zynga forums:
    A crop will wither if you do not harvest it within a time period approximately equal to 20% of the total growing time...


  55. Thanks. Awesome!

    I started FarmVille before Mafia Wars so the max photos I did in 1 day is probably 5. You're only supposed to take 1 of each and yes all Zynga games are full of bugs and error messages.

    I have tried timing withering myself. One site claims withering time is 200% of growth time. I know I had 4 fields planted at the same time and 2 withered while the other 2 didn't.

  56. Oh and something else, the new update brings the master seds or something like that into play.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I'm not seeing the Shutterbug Ribbon (or anything else that uses pictures) in my list of available ribbons. Is there some minimum level required for it, or something?

    It might also be worth mentioning that Helping your friends is a nice way to gain coins and XP while you're waiting for crops to become ready. For people you're neighbors with, you can do this by simply clicking on their farm - I'm guessing this is once-per-24-hours, but I haven't been playing long enough to check.

    More interestingly, for friends who aren't your neighbors yet (either neighbor request pending, or not even requested yet), you can get bulletins asking to help them by clicking on the "My Neighbors" tab. These will appear at the top of the neighbor list, above your actual neighbors. As you get lower on the number of non-neighbor friends, you may need to click on the "My Neighbors" tab several times. I found this particularly useful when I was just starting FarmVille and didn't have any money or neighbors, but had a lot of friends who played. (It also helped me let others know I'd started playing, since you're only allowed a limited number of neighbor requests/day for Facebook.)

  59. They may have removed it because it was too easy to earn. I think it's been missing yesterday too because I remember seeing that weird empty spot on the bottom of last page. Will see what happens next week.

    Not sure about the time period. Btw, a FarmVille day is 23 hours, not 24. Once you have a lot of neighbors, you'll notice that after a certain number of "Helping", you'll only get 1xp and 5 coins so I tend to stop at that time and come back next day.

    I recommend clicking on them one after the other instead of refreshing the page.

  60. Good points, especially on the part about clicking on them. I think that helping was best for me when I started, as I got to level 6 or so just by helping my various friends (while I was waiting for my first crops to ripen). This allowed me to raspberries faster :D

  61. Hi, I would like to recomend you if you can, to put the proffit/hr for us, farmville newbies, in order to make more money in less attendant hours.

  62. what about the new promo sweet potatoes

  63. Added "Helping" to FAQ.

    Profit/hr is profit/day/24.

    Sweet potatoes are not free. Sweet potatoes and Acai trees give you the best profit because you have to pay for them. The FAQ will only include things that are free.

  64. There is no picture ribbon anymore, I think.
    I don't see it in my ribbons.

  65. Also, can you buy pigs or swans?
    I don't have them in my list in market.

  66. a ugly ducklin turns to a swan..and can smone help me i cant adopt any animals

  67. Don't buy animals or trees, ask your friends to gift them to you. The ones you can buy are crap anyway. Chickens and Cherry trees you can get rid of after getting Knock on Wood and Zoologist ribbons. Other animals you can get rid of after getting Tree Hugger and Noah's Ark ribbons, leave only Goats and a couple Horses and Baby Elephants for animals and for trees, Pomegranate and Date.

  68. To adopt animals, you gotta be fast enough to grab it before someone else does. Though I think more than one person can adopt same animal. I've had at least 2 people adopt one of mine. Judging by Mafia Wars, could be as many as 10 people per animal.

  69. Is There a Trick or Tip to getting more farm bux or farm cash , quicker ???

  70. Wait i just saw a new ribbon Crop Whisperer

  71. If you mean FV, other than paying for them, nope.

    Yeah, looks like Crop Whisperer was added Saturday evening. I haven't seen anything on the news feed or ingame about any fertilizing. I hope they don't mean leaving some fertilizer on your neighbors' farms, aka taking a dump in the field, because in that case I would like to ask everyone to refrain from fertilizing my crops. ;-)

  72. What is the limit on the neighbors you're allowed to request per day? Seems as if I've only been allowed to request 5 some days, and sometimes it seems as if it's 2 days before I can request neighbors again?!

  73. Facebook limits applications to, I think, 20 requests. Neighbor requests and free gifts are shared so if you sent 15 gifts, you can only add 5 neighbors.

  74. Facebook limits to 24 requests per day (for me, at least).

  75. what about sweet potatoes.. plz make the stadistic

  76. Around level 5 maybe six. not sure. i bought an item for the first time. i leveled up i believe twice and saw that i ended up with 63 FV. noone seems to be able to give me an explanation.

  77. I think I speak for everyone here when I say "I hate you"

  78. For fertilizing, you just need to go to a friend's farm. After it gives you the "Help this friend", if they have any crops that can be fertilized (between 0% and 99% grown and not fertilized), you'll be able to fertilize up to 5 crops for free. I don't know if the timer on this is once per 23 hours, or once per 46 - I know it's at least 23 hours. Fertilized crop give 1 XP when harvested. (It'll show up in the lower-left hand corner if you can do it.) You also get 4 coins and 1 XP when *YOU* fertilize a friend's crops (per crop, so up to 20 coins and 5 XP per friend).

    Also, Moshe, while you get significantly less XP/coins for helping beyond the cutoff (it appears to be 20 people for me), I think it might still be worthwhile if you're trying to get the Good Samaritan and Crop Whisperer ribbons (since you'll be able to do more per day, effectively) ... and you can still get an additional 20 coins and 5 XP per friend from fertilizing crops. That's just my opinion, though.

  79. With Crop Whisperer, you're right. Now even if you only 1xp for helping, you can potentially get another 5 for fertilizing. By itself though, at least for me, too much trouble over 1 point.

    Is it me or are dead farms take 2 or 3 or more times longer to be ready for Helping?

  80. (onyx7; won't let me sign in)

    No, I haven't run into that problem.

    FYI, Red Maples harvest for 25 coins. If you want any other raw data, I can help with everything except for Asparagus.

  81. Thanks! Anything on brown chickens and wild turkeys?

    Maples are a great replacement for cherries as the only 2 day trees. Though impossible to see when they're ready if they're behind other trees.

  82. Wild Turkey - 125 coins/2 days
    Brown Chicken - 20 coins/1 day

    Onion (170c) - 275 coins/12 hours - 1 xp
    Broccoli (200c) - 473 coins/2 days - 2 xp
    Lilies (195c) - 369 coins/1 day - 2 xp
    Acorn Squash (175c) - 258 coins/10 hours - 1 xp

    I really love the maple trees, because we need more 2-day options for the stupid Knock on Wood ribbon. And they look awesome. :D

  83. What happens when the time limit to buy a seasonal item expires? For example, there are only x days left to buy a turkey. Will the turkey disappear off of your farm if you bought it?

  84. Seasonal items will persist (i.e. it won't disappear) ... you just won't be able to buy them anymore.

  85. Just harvested wild turkey, it's 80 coins. The sell values shown in gift box are resell values, not harvest.

  86. Oh, sorry about that. The you'll probably need to double-check the brown chicken, too, then. I can let you know in 24 hours (I'm pulling one from my coop).

    The numbers for the crops should be right, since those numbers are from the market.

  87. I'm confirming Brown Chicken at 8 coins/day.

  88. hey there, i guess that asking your friends send bird baths would be a good idea, as they sell for 100 ea. better than trees and animals if you get to sell them everyday.

  89. Updated crop data. Looks like Peas give you the best coins/xp/time balance for quite a few levels.

    Brown chickens are kinda disappointing. Maybe they give better prizes. I've gotten a pink flamingo from an egg.

    Bird baths are a good idea for beginners, though first it's best to collect one of each tree and animal for the ribbons. Afterwards, can request olive trees from high levels and birdbaths from low.
    I actually end up selling most of my gifts anyway, except for date, pomegranate and olive trees.
    Will update faq with your idea. Though Zynga might decide to get rid of this.

  90. Woo, finally got to level 37! As my gift to you, some info on Asparagus:

    (220 coins) - Sell for 357 coins/16 hours - 2 xp

    Also, I've found so far that white chicken eggs will yield white chickens and pink flamingos; brown chicken eggs yield brown chickens and [1] fuel refill.

  91. Congrats! Meh, looks like Peas is still the top crop.

    Are you sure it wasn't a gold egg? I just hatched a brown egg and all I got was a chicken, no fuel.

  92. I'm 99% sure it was a brown egg; a friend of mine hatched a brown egg that I produced. I've started adding the comment "Please let me know what you get" to the Facebook notifications.

    Random note: I'm working on getting a lot of Masteries, and I've found that Sunflowers and Grapes go really fast and keep a high profitability rate (although you take a hit to XP). Pumpkins and Cranberries also go well, but aren't as profitable. (I currently have Tomato, Sunflower, Pumpkin, and Cranberry, and should have Graps by this time tomorrow.)

    I recommend doing the Sunflower mastery if you're trying to get the Flower Power ribbon ... note that the Blue Ribbon takes 25,000 harvests (which takes forever) but Sunflower mastery should be enough to take you to the red ribbon.

  93. I got a refill from a gold egg. Also now have a black chicken from a black egg.
    From white eggs, I've hatched both white and brown chickens.

  94. Don't know if this is a bug, but after my fuel went to 0, I used the fuel refill I got from the gold egg and it gave me 20 refills!

  95. Congrats! My friends have only get getting brown chickens from brown eggs. In other news, I just hatched a BROWN chicken from a WHITE egg. Weird, huh?

  96. I updated prices and faq, added an egg section.

    Zynga corrected the brown chicken 8/day bug. The chickens are now base 2, 8, 16, 32 and 64, which makes the golden chicken, the golden chicken.

    Other than decorations, eggs produce either chickens of same color or of next color. white->brown->black->golden.

  97. Normal reindeer give 80 coins/2 days.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. how many strawberry patches do you have to plant to get superberries?

  100. Clumsy Reindeer are same. I hope they change it like they did with chickens.

    Superberries was a one time event.

  101. wow! thanks for all the great tips!!! I'm level 15 and have a tractor and a harvestor but I've used all my FV money for fuel, how do i get more FV money or more fuel?

  102. I keep forgetting to add to the faq Farmville's little extortion racket, aka fuel. You get 1 FV per level or you pay money. Right now, with the addition of storage, the only reasonable thing to spend FV on is storage buildings because they have a lot more slots than the regular buildings. Acai trees look like a good investment, but when you consider you only get one tree, it's a waste.

    As far as getting fuel, you get it from eggs. I got 20 fuel refills from a golden egg.

  103. arg! so how do i get a golden chicken ;/

  104. Did you look at the eggs part of the faq? Golden chickens come from black and golden eggs of your neighbors. btw, when I said 20 fuel from golden eggs, it's from golden eggs of your neighbors, you can't actually hatch your own eggs.

  105. anyone know how to make you hay bales look like steps?
    and to make your house look like it's on higher groud?

  106. I would like to point out that you make a higher profit per plot from trees and animals...
    in example.. if you have 16 Olive trees in a plot you will have a daily take of over 450 coins..
    or say a resonable animal like a black sheep, you can fit 16 of them in a plot giving you a daily intake fof over 300 coins

  107. Someone already mentioned this. Difference is that you don't get xp for animals or trees. Besides that, while it's easy to see when animals are ready to harvest, it's very hard to see when trees are when they're bunched together. And black sheep give you a very low profit.

  108. sorry missed that also you can buy xp at a rate of 15:1 make a plot and then delete it..

  109. When I started farmville I wasnt very careful about plant bed alignment and now wasting lots of space. Any way to delete and replow plots?

  110. Any ideas on the (limited edition) lamb you can now buy for 9 fcash? If it just turnes into a normal sheep it would be a waste of time/money...

  111. To delete, click on the red delete tool.

    Get the Ornament trees everyone! More than twice of what you get from Olive trees and only 2 days! Though FV might change stats or deactivate them after December.

    Of all the things you can buy for FV, I think the only useful one is the Pink Shed. While the barn gives you more storage space per FV dollar, the shed takes up a lot less space.

    I wouldn't spend FV cash on trees or animals because in the end, you only get 1.

  112. I've noticed when fertilizing neighbors plots that sometimes clicking on the first plot to fertilize it doesn't do it. You then click on 4 subsequent plots just fine but end up with 1 fertilizer bag left over.Anybody know why this is happening?

  113. I think I've had this once. Are you letting the farm load completely before clicking? Maybe give it an extra couple seconds.

  114. Yeah, I've done that too. It's weird because it doesn't happen every time, just occasionally. Oh well, thanks for the reply!

  115. The fertilizer bug does seem to have something to do with page loading times. I was able to use CheatEngine 5.5 and enable the "Speed Hack" feature. This loads the pages (and all other functionality like plowing, havesting, and seeding) a lot faster when set to 4.0 versus 1.0 (normal speed). Keep in mind this isn't a cheat, it just speeds up the operation of the application.

  116. According to TOS it probably is a cheat. I wish everyone would use avatar traps. That speeds up everything too.

    I'm kinda sick of the game. Too much clicking and not enough group harvest buildings. Instead of wasting time on decorations, how about some buildings for the other animals. And they can add groves for trees. At the very least they could make harvesting of animals and trees be single click.

  117. A Brown Goose earns you 80 coins in 2 days.

    And Flower Power now seems to take you only 10.000 flowers instead of 25.000 as it did before. Looks like it is achievable now...


  118. Grey Tabby 90 coins/3days
    Penguin 45 coins/3days

    not bad, but simply not the best...
    stick with bulls and calves...

  119. why are the plots not showing in my farm? last night i used the tractor to harvest thne the seeder to plant then afterwards the plots are already gone.i thought it was just a sserver error until i opened again the day after it is still the same.what am i gonna do?

  120. When in trouble, fear or doubt, run in circles, scream and shout. :D

    Another of Zynga's f-ups, give it a couple hours for them to get around to fixing it.

  121. One thing I notice you seem to be missing about the chickens & the chicken coup...

    When you get a chicken coup and start filling it remove the "lesser chickens" and replace them with more "profitable chickens". For example, if your coup is full of white chickens and you get a brown chicken, remove a white one and add the brown one. Same goes for getting a golden chicken.

    The reason for this is when a mystery egg is awarded the color of the egg is chosen by the majority vote of colored chickens. If you have more white than black you're more likely to get a white egg. If you have mostly gold and a few of each color you'll most likely get a golden egg.

    What I've done is create a "list" in Facebook called "Farmies" and add all my FarmVille & FarmTown friends to it to quickly check for adopted animals and other profitables. I'm very new to Facebook (2 weeks) and already at level 21. If you can filter out game-specific "published alerts" I'd love to know how!

    Instead of using four fences to block in my avatar (to speed up the game slightly) I've surrounded him with 12 hay bales which only takes up one square compared to 4 squares with fence panels. I know this costs a little extra but I prefer to have maximum growing space :)

    Thanks for the site - awesome job ;)

  122. Actually, the reason for upgrading chickens and cows is money. Eggs you get don't depends on number of chickens and seems pretty random.

    You don't need to create a list, just click on game icon in newsfeed.

    Actually, you only 4 hay bales as the avatar can't move diagonally.

  123. Your website has been VERY helpful.
    Question for you - when I try to add a new neighbor I get the following error:
    Sorry, you have run out of requests to send with this application. Please try again tomorrow.
    Is this because I have so many pending neighbors? Is there a way to delete pending neighbors?

  124. Thanks.
    It's because you already sent maximum number of neighbor/gift requests for the day.
    Gift and neighbor requests are shared and there's a max you can send per day. I think it's either 25 or 30.

  125. Morning Glory: 60 - 123 - 0.50 - 12 - 48 - 96 - 1 - 2.00 - 4.00

  126. A new tree: Durian Tree (harvest in 4 days, 65 Coins)! :)

  127. btw, it takes less space to trap your avatar in with 4 haybales, rather than 4 pieces of fencing. (only restricts your planting by one square)

    thanks for all the tips.

  128. Thanks, not that good though, only 16.96/day.

    Keep forgetting to update that. Actually mentioned that a couple comments above. Updated now.

  129. Mystery eggs items are chains:
    * Premium white mystery egg: white chicken (70%), brown chicken (10%), groovy scarecrow (10%), outhouse (10%)
    * Uncommon brown mystery egg: brown chicken (70%), black chicken (30%)
    * Rare black mystery egg: black chicken (70%), golden chicken (30%)
    * Treasured golden mystery egg: golden chicken (60%), small pond (10%), sheep topiary (10%), farmville flag (10%), gold gnome (10%)

  130. I have a random plot that I can not plant. It is perfectly sqaure and all the plots around it are planted. Anyone have a solution??

  131. Has this been confirmed? No more fuel from eggs?!

    Kathryn, have you tried deleting it?

  132. There is currently nothing in the plot. It can not even be plowed. I have tried deleting the square but it does not do anything.

  133. You said can't be planted so I thought it's already plowed.

    Try deleting all the adjoining ones and plow it and then plow the ones you deleted.

  134. I tried deleting all the plots around it and then replowing them by hand and with a tractor and it gives me a red square.

  135. Update on the golden eggs: I hatched a pond, a golden gnome and a farmville flag from them too. Not sure why and pretty useless..

  136. The new egg items are from the farmville wiki: and unfortunately, no more nice items lke the fuels... :s

  137. What kind of moron decided to replace fuel, donkeys and expensive decorations with crap you can buy for coins?!

    I pretty much quit FV in December and only came back because of the free fuel I found in presents and then all the free fuel from eggs and gifts.
    Ironically, they do the same stupid shit in Mafia Wars.

  138. The most coins that appear during plowing are worth 100 coins each...

    and I found a 20 fuel in my treasured golden mystery egg now! :)

  139. 2 seconds before I write the post... ;)

  140. Great!
    And looks like the wiki page has been updated.

  141. Can you even handle the crop mastery in your table?

  142. Crop master doesn't change amount of coins earned, only xp. So profit is still same. Also there's probability involved so not a sure thing.

  143. I miss your updates from Farmville in recent weeks... ;)

  144. Thank you FB for removing news feed filters.
    FarmVille news feed filter added at the bottom of the post.

  145. FarmVille news feed filter added at the bottom of the post. where??

  146. nevermind... found it.

  147. Awesome FAQ/Walkthrough.
    Reminded me of quite a number of aspects of Farmville that I had forgotten.
    Great job!
