Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Today I'm sick and was also sick yesterday. Being sick sucks. I don't really have a temperature, but all the symptoms of a cold are there. Now finishing my second container of chicken soup. What really sucks is that I'm all out of both store bought pepper vodka and my homemade one.
I put up my Sinai Academy / BHI alumni page. Took me around 8 hours to make, including the back-end. The add profile form and list sort and filter are both using AJAX. I solicited some people to add their profiles and now there's 6 total. Not bad considering I just posted it.
A girl from BHI signed up and suggested I check out facebook. Nice site, but you have to add people to your account if you want to see their info. There's a lot of people from BHI, but very few from Sinai and only one person that I know. For some reason, Sinai, a more technically inclined school than BHI, has no current website or alumni list. BHI has a nice alumni website, albeit no more updates since last year and webmaster's email is dead. Sinai, on the other hand, has two websites, both haven't been updated in years. Gena's Sinai alumni page is gone. I know there are people on LinkedIn, unfortunately, they don't provide a field or search for high school. I emailed LinkedIn customer service about this oversite three days ago. I got an auto-reply that they'll get back to me within three business days. It's been three business days, no reply.

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