Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Cuomo vs Astorino debate AKA will you please stick to the question asked

Watched the debate. That was entertaining.

McDermott a Libertarian? Since when do Libertarians oppose charter schools? And as a Libertarian, no vocal opposition of unSAFE act? And what's with the "people, people, people"? Let the people, have the people, in people's hands. And how exactly does he envision that? In the beginning, he sounded like he was high and in the end, I thought he was going to cry.

Hawkins seemed to be seeing ghosts everywhere, look at the damn camera. Communism mixed with actual Libertarianism? That was different. The only guy to actual answer questions and not sound high. Still a Green though, so no vote for you.

Astorino, considering his dependence on upstate NY, should've spent more time on unSAFE, while deviating from questions, and less mudslinging about, repeatedly, the same thing. Surprised he didn't even mention, and neither did the panelists, Cuomo's misuse of state resources to promote Cuomo's failed book. Bad move on his answer about drugs too.

Cuomo's gotta go. Lying, lying, and more lying. Commie Core is not his? Other governors ensured that it won't be in their states, he didn't. No Common Core grading for 5 years? How about actually keeping it out of the state. And how about Obama lunches. Charter Schools are the way to go to oppose both. And his comment, he didn't say it, well he said it, but he didn't mean it, and it's all Astorino's fault!

Buffalo News fielding a stupid question about a stadium, and obviously ignoring all the questions about unSAFE? Not cool, not cool at all.

The Libertarian should spend some time learning how to be a Libertarian instead of a right leaning Democrat. Astorino needs to focus more on the issues. Cuomo's gotta go. The Green guy's gotta go to Germany or some other Green European country because he'll be very miserable here. And the panelists, how about focusing on questions relevant to the entire state and not just your county.

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