DISCLAIMER: This is a parody on imamother and should not be taken seriously. ;-)
His arms, muscles bulging from doing hagba, held her tight to his body. She could feel the imprints left by his tefillin straps sensually caressing her skin. His hands touched and explored her body as if he was holding a gemorah. He was kneading her sufganyot like challah dough, his fingers circling the raisins. Her body tensed in anticipation as his hands roamed towards her lower mouth while his lips kissed her as if she was a mezuzah. As his lips brushed the lips of her upper mouth, his hand drew a magen david around the contours of her lower lips. She almost screamed when his thumb brushed over her nerit. As she felt the the hardness of his havdalah brush against her thigh, she knew that her wait will be over soon. Just as she had anticipated, he rose over her, his body like a chuppa, held up by the four poles of his arms and legs. He positioned his lulav at the entrance of her shofar and, at first slowly, slid forward into her. His pace increased as she played with his peyos, twirling them with her fingers. When he heard her chanting "talmidim hachamim" over and over, he slammed into her, his havdalah shooting its light into her body.
Was cracking up while writing it. Feel free to expand, ha ha, on this.

His arms, muscles bulging from doing hagba, held her tight to his body. She could feel the imprints left by his tefillin straps sensually caressing her skin. His hands touched and explored her body as if he was holding a gemorah. He was kneading her sufganyot like challah dough, his fingers circling the raisins. Her body tensed in anticipation as his hands roamed towards her lower mouth while his lips kissed her as if she was a mezuzah. As his lips brushed the lips of her upper mouth, his hand drew a magen david around the contours of her lower lips. She almost screamed when his thumb brushed over her nerit. As she felt the the hardness of his havdalah brush against her thigh, she knew that her wait will be over soon. Just as she had anticipated, he rose over her, his body like a chuppa, held up by the four poles of his arms and legs. He positioned his lulav at the entrance of her shofar and, at first slowly, slid forward into her. His pace increased as she played with his peyos, twirling them with her fingers. When he heard her chanting "talmidim hachamim" over and over, he slammed into her, his havdalah shooting its light into her body.
Was cracking up while writing it. Feel free to expand, ha ha, on this.

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